It consists of 2 x 5 characters, which are joined by '-'. This value MUST be given for the tax operation ElsterDatenabholung and tax data type ElsterVaStDaten, for which a SoftPSE certificate is used to sign.In other cases a null value should be given. Name prefix of the generated transfer protocol file.įooter text to be used on the printout (optional). The created PDF is only intended for printing pages page by page. False: There is no indentation of the straight sides. True: The straight sides are indented to the left for a stitching margin for punching. Should the PDF file be prepared for a double-sided printout with a margin for punching?.

in deren Namen die Software bedient wird, um die Daten zu übersenden (Natural person who operates the software or under whose name the software is operated in order to transmit the data).ĭas Datum der Erstellung (Date of creation).ĭer Steuerberater, der den Steuerfall bearbeitet und abgibt (The tax adviser who processes and submits the tax case).ĭer Mandant, für den der Steuerfall bearbeitet wird (The client for which the tax case is being processed).ĭie vierstellige Bundesfinanzamtsnummer des empfangenden Finanzamtes (The four-digit federal tax office number of the receiving tax office).ĭie Anbindung zum ELSTER Online Portal (EOP).

Natürliche Person, welche die Software bedient, bzw. SubmitUmsatzsteueranmeldung2022AsTaxConsultantBase Parameters: Name The filing of the special advance payment for VAT Metadata C# TypeScript Dart Java Kotlin Python Swift VB.NET F# SubmitUstSv2022AsTaxConsultantBase Parameters: Name