The good first: Soul Calibur 2 is a fantastic game. This is a piece of work so bare bones I’m struggling to fathom the skeleton ever being anything but bald. The title says: “This is Soul Calibur 2, in HD, and online”, but it’s unfortunate (and this admittedly sounds contradictory, but I’m hoping to clear that up in the next 800 words) that this is really all Soul Calibur 2 HD Online is.

Soul Calibur 2 HD Online has a title that serves a very similar purpose.

For example, the title of this article is simply “Soul Calibur 2 HD Online Review”, it explains what is on this page, what you’re going to read, what the number at the bottom (that you’ve probably already looked at) is summing up, and it satisfies us that we’re advertising our wares in an astute and genuine manner.